

This way, the podcasts with new episodes automatically rise to the top. My favorite home screen arrangement for the Podcasts tab is As always, you can disable the badge count if you want to. You can change the episode layout between grid and column view, and you can choose to view the badge count either for all unfinished episodes or only the latest episodes. You can sort podcasts by name, episode release date, or date added.


Users can hit the three-dot menu at the top right to get access to different controls. The new Podcasts tab has received a lot of love with version 7 and now offers an excellent experience. Pocket Casts 7 Review: The New Podcasts Tab For now, know that the app’s new user interface not only looks exquisite but also makes it easier to understand and use for the longtime iOS users. We will take a deep dive into each of the tabs. The Discover tab, well, helps you discover new podcasts while the profile tab hosts all the stats and settings. For those who are not familiar with the app, the Podcasts tab houses all your subscription, while the filters tab is for your playlists. People who have used Pocket Casts in the past will be extremely familiar with tabs. There are four different tab buttons at the bottom which are Podcasts, Filters, Discover, and Profile. Thankfully, Pocket Casts 7 address that problem with a brand new design which makes it feel more at home. Still, the app felt a little too foreign on iOS. I myself had no problem with the earlier design as I am used to its Android app. The Android-inspired side panel is gone and the iOS-inspired bottom navigation tab bar is in. Let’s start with the most obvious changes coming with Pocket Casts and that’s the brand new user interface which makes this app feel more native to iOS. In our Pocket Casts review, we are going to take a detailed look at Pocket Casts 7 and see how it brings a breath of fresh air to its design: Pocket Casts 7 Review: The New UI The best part is that the upgrade was completely free for users who had already paid for the app. But all that changed with the release of version 7 which brings a complete overhaul to the UI of the app. Still, it was not my favorite app to use on iPhone. Apart from all its awesome features, which we will get into in this article, the biggest reason I have stuck with Pocket Casts is its cross-platform availability and sync feature. However, none of them has stuck around with me as long as Pocket Casts. Some of them were pretty bad while some like Castro 3 impressed me a lot. Over the past few years, I have tested many different podcast apps to find out which one offers the best overall experience.


If you follow this website regularly, you know that I love podcasts.
